MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the software is usable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?).
Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its initial focus.
What's New
Today's the day you get to experience MAME 0.274 for the first time! As previously mentioned, our Windows binary releases now require a CPU with x86-64-v2 functionality. The most anticipated feature completed this month is almost certainly the 64-bit ARMv8 recompiler back-end. It's been tested on macOS, conventional Linux and Android, and provides some very welcome performance improvements when emulating systems with RISC CPUs, including MIPS III, PowerPC and SuperH. In addition to the new back-end, we've fixed some bugs in the existing back-ends and made some performance improvements for x86-64. Keep in mind that the actual performance benefits you experience will vary substantially depending on your CPU and the emulated system and software.
While that was happening, emulation work continued to progress. This release adds support for numerous digital pets, a couple more Tronica LCD games, and several synthesisers. Several CD-i graphics formats have been fixed, and speaking of Philips, video emulation for their Minitel 2 terminal has been improved as well. Our NEC µPD17771C emulation has been completely overhauled, which is particularly noticeable in Star Speeder on the Epoch Super Cassette Vision.
Lots has been going on in computer emulation this month. We've taken a few steps along the road to emulating the first-generation Power Macintosh systems; the Heath/Zenith computers now have hard-sectored floppy formats and working joystick support; the JUKU E5104 now has mouse support; the Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D workstations are now considered working. There's also been some work on Amiga graphics emulation, although some of the improvements missed this release.
As always, you can read about all of the month's development work in the whatsnew.txt file. If you're excited and want to try it out, head right over to the download page where you can find the source code and 64-bit Windows binary packages. See you all again next month for another thrilling MAME release!
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 01595: [Sound] (galaxian/galaxold.cpp) drivfrcg, drivfrcb , drivfrct, drivfrcsg: The crash sound doesn't play. (Robbbert)
- 04095: [Sound] (namco/namcos1.cpp) splatter, splattero, splatterj: Music for the second stage boss scene is incorrect. (hap)
- 04546: [Graphics] (snk/lasso.cpp) pinbo, pinboa, pinbos: The background color is incorrect. (hap)
- 04729: [Misc.] (namco/namcond1.cpp) ncv1: [possible] The graphics ROM appears to have an incorrectly set bit. (MASH)
- 05592: [Graphics] (konami/asterix.cpp) All games in asterix.cpp: The windmill animation doesn't work properly. (hap)
- 06865: [Interface] (taito/undrfire.cpp) undrfire and clones: The fake "Show gun target" switch doesn't work. (hap)
- 07312: [DIP/Input] (irem/m72.cpp) poundfor: Trackball inputs don't work properly. (hap)
- 07543: [Misc.] (konami/rungun.cpp) rungund, rungunad, rungunbd, rungunuad, rungunud, slmdunkjd: Out-of-bounds accesses. (hap)
- 07573: [Sound] (orca/espial.cpp) netwars: Sounds/music play too slowly. (hap)
- 07938: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (konami/konamim2.cpp) totlvice, evilngt: Second and third player light gun inputs are missing. (hap)
- 07958: [Sound] (sony/taitogn.cpp) kollon, kollonc: Sound is distorted. (hap)
- 08472: [Misc.] (sinclair/atm.cpp) some sinclair/* drivers: The emulator crashes on out-of-bounds palette accesses. (holub)
- 08510: [Gameplay] (midway/balsente.cpp) stocker: The gear shift control should be a toggle switch. (John IV)
- 08660: [DIP/Input] (namco/skykid.cpp) drgnbstr: The "Allow Continue" DIP switch settings are reversed. (Zach S.)
- 08731: [DIP/Input] (taito/taito_z.cpp) bsharkjjs: Left/Right inputs are reversed. (Uncle Petros)
- 08962: [DIP/Input] (konami/zr107.cpp) jetwave, jetwavej: Analog inputs are too sensitive. (hap)
- 08980: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (konami/konamim2.cpp) all sets in konamim2.cpp: Poor performance while loading. (David Haywood)
- 09052: [Misc.] (sega/segaybd.cpp) rchase: Recoil outputs for both gun controllers are sent to a single output. (AchillesPDX)
- 09054: [Speed] (taito/bublbobl.cpp) tokio and clones: CPU time slices are unnecessarily short. (hap)
- 09060: [Graphics] (gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp) krull: Graphics may not display correctly after loading a saved state. (JimCarlTay)
- 09061: [Color/Palette] (nintendo/spacefb.cpp) spacedem: [possible] The background should be black. (hap)
- 09062: [Sound] (sanritsu/drmicro.cpp) drmicro: PSG sound pitch is too high. (125scratch)
- 09063: [Graphics] (pacman/pacman.cpp) alibaba and clones: The mystery item timer is not displayed. (hap)
- 09065: [Sound] (snk/lasso.cpp) lasso, chameleo, wwjgtin: Sound pitch and tempo are incorrect. (hap)
- 09067: [Interface] The tilemap viewer maps the pointer location incorrectly if the tilemap is flipped on either axis. (hap)
- 09077: [Interface] (nichibutsu/nbmj8891.cpp) mjcamerb, mmcamera: Version on older hardware is not marked as a clone. (Vas Crabb)
- 09084: [Sound] (galaxian/galaxold.cpp) 4in1: Explosion sounds do not play. (Robbbert)
- 09087: [Gameplay] (philips/cdi.cpp) quizardi_10: The game does not boot correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 09094: [Interface] (snk/prehisle.cpp) gensitou: The description does not include the release region. (JimCarlTay)
- 09095: [Interface] UI: The menu item highlight texture is not symmetrical. (Vas Crabb)
- 09097: [DIP/Input] (seta/seta.cpp) drgnunit: The undocumented eighth DIP switch in the first bank adjusts stage time. (GoldS_TCRF)
New working systems
- Bandai Digital Monster (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Digital Monster Ver. 2 (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Digital Monster Ver. 3 (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Let's! TV Play Nou to Karada o Kitaeru Taikan Zunou Family Mattore (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai Mothra no Tamagotchi (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Tamagotchi (Gen. 2, Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Tenshitchi no Tamagotchi (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Casio Casiotone 8000 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker]
- Casio Casiotone FK-1 [BCM, Devin Acker]
- Code Magik (Ver 5.5) / Super 7 (stealth game) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Jeff Hamelin]
- Cuty Line (ver.1.01) [Taksangs, charlie]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Pocketchess (CXG) [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Epoch Chibi Pachi: Alien Fever [hap, azya]
- Epoch Minna no Tetris (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Hasbro Giga Pets Explorer (Version 1.34.1, Mar 17 2006) [QUFB]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Excalibur [hap, anonymous, Berger]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Disney Pixar Classics (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Power Rangers S.P.D. (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Spider-Man 3 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Pirates of the Caribbean - Islands of Fortune (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Jun 1 2007 12:34:28) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Superman in Super Villain Showdown (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (26 Jan 2006 A) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Nikko Beans Collection: Venus Diet Monogatari [hap, azya]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Beluga [hap, Berger]
- Oberheim DMX [m1macrophage]
- Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [hammy]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Webdiver DX W-05 Gladion (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Tandy Corporation Stack Challenge [hap, azya]]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Cars [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Toy Story [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney Princess [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Tronica Diver's Adventure [Milan Galcik, algestam]
New working clones
- Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 7) [hammy]
- Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 12) [hammy]
- Egg Venture (Release 4) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Endless Riches (Ver 1.10) [hammy]
- Fidelity International Excel 68000 Mach IV 68020 Master 2325 (set 1) [Berger]
- Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3, newer) [alamone]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Excalibur (WCCC 1983 New York TM) [hap, anonymous, Berger]
- Long Hu Da Manguan Duizhan Jiaqiang Ban (V200C3M) [dyq, little0]
- N-Sub (cocktail) [system11]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 14, W-4, Yamate) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 15, W-4, Cleco bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1985) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Diablo 68000 (set 1) [Gavin Fance]
- Rocket Convoy [Luis Arrufat]
- Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [Bryan McPhail]
- Super Poker (v120IN) [The Dumping Union]
- Toride II (Japan, revision I) [twistedsymphony]
- Tronica Clever Chicken [Milan Galcik, algestam]
Systems promoted to working
- Bonanza's Joker Poker [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
- Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/50 [Patrick Mackinlay]
- Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/70 [Patrick Mackinlay]
- Super Mini-Boy [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]