7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver utility compatible with many compression formats. By default, 7-Zip creates 7z-format archives with a .7z file extension, but when used for creating ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip.
You can use 7-Zip on any computer, even in commercial organizations free of charge. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip.
- High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression
- Supported formats:
- Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
- Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS
- For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
- Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
- Self-extracting capability for 7z format
- Integration with Windows Shell
- Powerful File Manager
- Powerful command line version
- Plugin for FAR Manager
- Localizations for 69 languages
7-Zip works in Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11. There is a port of the command line version to Linux/Unix.
What's New
- The default dictionary size values for LZMA/LZMA2 compression methods were increased.
- 7-Zip now can calculate the following hash checksums: SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA3-256 and MD5.
- APM and HFS support was improved.
- If an archive update operation uses a temporary archive folder and the archive is moved to the destination folder, 7-Zip shows the progress of moving the archive file, as this operation can take a long time if the archive is large.
- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip File Manager didn't propagate Zone.Identifier stream for extracted files from nested archives (if there is open archive inside another open archive).
- Some bugs were fixed.
Previous release notes:
- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip could crash for some incorrect ZSTD archives.
- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip could not unpack some ZSTD archives.
- New switch -myv={MMNN} to set decoder compatibility version for 7z archive creating. {MMNN} is 4-digit number that represents the version of 7-Zip without a dot. If -myv={MMNN} switch is specified, 7-Zip will only use compression methods that can be decoded by the specified version {MMNN} of 7-Zip and newer versions. If -myv={MMNN} switch is not specified, -myv=2300 is used, and 7-Zip will only use compression methods that can be decoded by 7-Zip 23.00 and newer versions.
- New switch -myfa={FilterID} to allow 7-Zip to use the specified filter method for 7z archive creating.
- New switch -myfd={FilterID} to disallow 7-Zip to use the specified filter method for 7z archive creating.
- Some bugs were fixed.