Lawsuit articles

apple siri mobile lawsuit advertising privacy

Apple denies using Siri recordings to serve targeted ads

Rumors resurface following Apple's $95 million lawsuit settlement
In context: It's a phenomenon that has been around since the dawn of the modern tech age: seeing an advertisement for an item, usually on social media, that you'd recently been talking about. It's often blamed on companies recording conversations and sending them to advertisers. Now, Apple has refuted rumors that this is something it does using Siri.
valve episode half-life half-life 2 alyx

Valve makes more money per employee than Amazon, Microsoft, and Netflix combined

A small but mighty team of 400
The big picture: Valve is one of the most important and influential companies in the PC gaming market. It's also one of the most unique due to its private nature and unusually small workforce relative to its impact and competitors. A recent analysis of data uncovered through an ongoing lawsuit against the company highlights how Valve starkly contrasts with the world's biggest tech giants.
man bitcoin lawsuit united kingdom satoshi nakamoto with video

Self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor sentenced for contempt of court after launching $1.2 trillion lawsuit

Craig Wright has been sentenced to 12 months in prison
What just happened? Craig Wright, the Australian computer scientist who has repeatedly made the false claim that he is Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, has been found to be in contempt of court and handed a 12-month jail sentence for continuing to sue developers.
judge elon musk tesla lawsuit delaware

Judge denies Elon Musk's billion-dollar Tesla pay package for a second time

The requested $6 billion in lawyers' fee was also denied
What just happened? What's worse than having a multi-billion compensation package denied to you by a judge? Having it denied a second time, despite being overwhelmingly re-approved by Tesla shareholders. That's the situation Elon Musk has found himself in after Delaware judge Kathaleen McCormick upheld her original ruling that called the payment excessive. She also denied a request from lawyers who brought the case to be paid $6 billion.
nintendo reddit piracy lawsuit subpoena

Nintendo seeks to subpoena Reddit for details on piracy group members

Mario's wrath against r/SwitchPirates subreddit
In brief: Is there a more litigious company in the gaming world than Nintendo? Probably not. The Mario maker is once again going after those invovled with game piracy, including moderators and certain members of a popular subreddit. Nintendo is seeking to subpoena business records from Reddit (and other companies) to identify members.