The Web

The Web

Navigating the digital landscape through updates on internet trends, big tech, social media, cloud computing, streaming and more.

navy starlink stinky military us navy

Navy discovers hidden Starlink dish on US warship after spotting Wi-Fi network named "STINKY"

WTF?! Navy personnel deployed for months at sea miss certain creature comforts, including a reliable internet connection. Starlink, with its ability to connect just about anywhere on earth, including in the middle of the ocean, was too tempting for a group of chiefs to resist, so they illegally installed it as part of their preparations for a deployment. They were caught and prosecuted but the incident may also prompt a reevaluation of internet access policies on deployed vessels – or at least better safety protocols.
white house border gateway protocol internet bgp hijacking

White House declares BGP security issues a national priority – BGP handles routing for the entire internet

The "glue" protocol that sticks internet's networks together
A Dangerous Network: The Border Gateway Protocol has been the primary routing technology for the internet for at least three decades. Like other fundamental internet protocols developed in the 1980s, BGP was not originally designed with security in mind – and it shows.
alarmingly amd ryzen 7800x3d amd scam ryzen 7000 ryzen x3d with video

Fake Ryzen 7800X3D is alarmingly convincing, chip dissected after buyer gets scammed

A bargain deal -- except it was for a dead processor
WTF?! Counterfeiters are always looking for new ways to dupe unsuspecting buyers. Most recently, popular tech YouTuber Der8auer shined a light on one such scam involving a fake version of AMD's Ryzen 7 7800X3D processor, exposing just how far these silicon forgers can go. It had an empty PCB and fake heatspreaders, stripping it of any real value.
russia gps western war ukraine undersea cable

Russia could target undersea cables and GPS to cripple Western communication, says NATO

Taking the threat very seriously
Tools of disruption: With no viable worldwide alternatives to the undersea cable and GPS networks, the West remains highly vulnerable if Russia opts to leverage these systems as bargaining chips or as a means of sabotage. NATO is taking the threat seriously and is setting up backups as geopolitical tensions with Russia remain high over the ongoing Ukraine conflict. Experts suggest even more needs to be done.