Tech Culture

Tech Culture

The technology revolution is everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine. The intersection of technology and society, from art to communication.

man bitcoin lawsuit united kingdom satoshi nakamoto with video

Self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor sentenced for contempt of court after launching $1.2 trillion lawsuit

Craig Wright has been sentenced to 12 months in prison
What just happened? Craig Wright, the Australian computer scientist who has repeatedly made the false claim that he is Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, has been found to be in contempt of court and handed a 12-month jail sentence for continuing to sue developers.
gaming commodore history retro nostalgia commodore 64

A bakery in Indiana is still using the 40-year-old Commodore 64 as a cash register

A 1 MHz CPU and 64KB of RAM are enough
If it ain't broke: Many large companies and organizations are often ridiculed for using outdated computers, but not every business requires the latest digital technology. Case in point: a bakery in Indiana has been photographed processing sales using a Commodore 64. This isn't the first time a 21st-century business has been spotted using the top-selling 1982 PC, as the device remains beloved by enthusiasts today.
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