The technology revolution is everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine. The intersection of technology and society, from art to communication.
Apparently AMD has blocking rights for any acquisition of Intel. If a deal were to happen, what would AMD ask for?
Editor's take: We are frequently asked some version of the question, "Will someone acquire Intel?" At this point, we think it is highly unlikely, but these are unpredictable times. Setting aside all the principal considerations – like money, strategy, and regulatory approval – there are a few other hurdles. Chief among these is Intel's license for x86.
Valve releases new two-hour documentary, Raising the Bar reprint coming in 2025
What just happened? Valve is celebrating Half-Life 2's 20th anniversary with a massive update, a temporary free giveaway of the full game, and a bundle including the two episodic expansions and new developer commentary. Additionally, a two-hour YouTube documentary sheds light on the canceled third expansion, revealing new details for fans.
While going past a sign warning drivers to slow down for children
A hot potato: What do Jimmy "MrBeast" Donaldson, Linus Sebastian, and now Marques Brownlee have in common? They were all universally loved YouTube stars who later became embroiled in controversy. In the case of Brownlee, who recently faced criticism over his wallpaper app, the TechTuber is now being slammed for posting a video fully sponsored by DJI in which he drives a sports car at 95 miles per hour in a 35 miles per hour zone, speeding past a sign warning drivers to slow down for children.
A hot potato: A controversial proposal to strengthen international cooperation against cybercrime has gained US support. The Biden Administration is interested in signing the treaty, while politicians are still warning about its potential for misuse and human rights abuse.