RTX 5090 early benchmarks show underwhelming performance uplift over the RTX 4090

He argued with me for ages in another thread (that got locked because of it) insisting AMD had some large GPU coming out this year, but could not link me to any sources of any kind, just arguing he knows best apparently...

You are not as conncected to the semiconductor industry as me. I have been leaking stuff for ovr a decade. It (at times got me in trouble) but since I do not work directly for these Companies, it is just heat.

The difference between me and chiphell is that I do not monetize my leaks.

Here is a monetized post, that news sites gobble up. Notice how I am always a days/weeks ahead of them:

AMD Rumored To Utilize N3E Process Technology For Its Next-Gen Ryzen "Zen 6" Desktop CPUs & Radeon "UDNA" GPUs, 3D Stacking Comes To Halo & Console APUs

A new set of rumored information has been shared by Chiphell Forum member, Zhanzhonghao, who has shared some accurate tidbits in the past few months related to AMD's next-gen families. The latest information is tagged as a rumor for now, but it gives us an idea of what we can expect from the red team in the future.
You did "research" and all you could find was the truth... & 2026..!
I found a rumour, you seem to be under the impression the words "rumour" and "truth" mean the same thing, so here's the dictonary definition for the two:

Truth or verity is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language, it is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality or otherwise correspond to it.

A rumor, or rumour (derived from Latin rumorem 'noise'), is an unverified piece of information circulating among people, especially without solid evidence.
Here is a monetized post, that news sites gobble up. Notice how I am always a days/weeks ahead of them:

AMD Rumored To Utilize N3E Process Technology For Its Next-Gen Ryzen "Zen 6" Desktop CPUs & Radeon "UDNA" GPUs, 3D Stacking Comes To Halo & Console APUs

A new set of rumored information has been shared by Chiphell Forum member, Zhanzhonghao, who has shared some accurate tidbits in the past few months related to AMD's next-gen families. The latest information is tagged as a rumor for now, but it gives us an idea of what we can expect from the red team in the future.
Your own source is a rumour, and even that rumour says "earliest of Q2 2026".

So why do you keep saying AMD will have some phat UDMA powered gaming GPU coming out towards the end of 2025?

You don't "leak" anything, you have a "feeling" about something, then try to pass it off as fact. I assume these feelings come around after you've read a bunch of rumours on the internet.

I will not be responding to anymore of your posts, have a good evening.
Don't forget that AMD is going 2 prong: Chiplet and Monolithic.

AMD is about to humiliate Jensen for trying to push so much of their non-gaming hardware off on consumers, instead of Prosumers.

The RX 9080 is going to show the power of RDNA and show price/performance/power supremacy of their Gaming Architecture.

And then later this year, AMD will announce their top-tier Chiplet architecture using AMD Prosumer XDNA architecture, allowing AMD to compete directly with nVidia's $3k "gaming card", but AMD will offer custom chiplet designs, catering to individual needs.

If u need more Ai, then choose the RX Chiplet that has more tensor/xdna cores, etc. If you want all raster, then pick up the chiplet that has your best interests at heart.

Blackwell is a joke for Gaming !
I find the both rampant optimism and pessimism about this card with no benchmarks hilarious. So much speculation based on the model number of an unreleased product.

I suspect both extremes will be wrong: AMD will not "humiliate Jensen" nor itself.

It will be good to get some reviews so that the fanboys can move on to how mind-blowing RDNA 5 and DSLL 5 will be. :laughing:
Nvidia is offering promises again with the RTX50 GPUs, just like RTX20, most of those promises likely won't even see anything but minor adoption by a few AAA titles. It is true that AMD is always trying to catch Nvidia's coattail, but this time AMD might actually be the smart choice, kind of like the 5700XT was a smart choice compared to the 2070 when RT offered essentially nothing. The RX 9070 XT might fit this bill this time around. It sounds like it'll be comparable to the 5070 Ti in terms of RT/raster performance and hopefully the 5070 in terms of price. You won't be missing out on much, just a handful of games might have some AI gimmicks you won't be able to access. Probably not even well implemented ones.