Feds struggle to explain mysterious "car-sized" drone sightings over New Jersey

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America doing america things, move along, happend before
FYI: this is what happend when your left foot dont know what your right arm is doing with the military budget
I don't care about the "drones" or any persons that might be in them, but the authorities may be worried about large pieces of debris dropping on civilians below.
Don't we have laws regarding large drones? And if that is the case, someone should start tracking them. They can hurt someone of the people controlling them don't even know basic safety rules.
Ah yes, you conspiracy nuts love this stuff. It's not a drone, it's Hunter Biden's laptop flying around carrying Hillary Clinton's e-mails//
Except all the 'conspiracy theories' around Hunter's laptop and Hillary's emails were proven correct.

As for these drones, this story fails to note that the first sightings -- which began many months ago -- were of multiple 'drone swarms' over US bases in the UK and here. Now that the mainstream media is pushing the story, expect that most of these "sightings" are a simple matter of public hysteria. That doesn't invalidate the earlier ones, however.

Another fun fact: recently several foreign nationals have been arrested for using (smaller) drones to surveil US military installations, such as this case here:

Just take one down, by dropping a net over it or even shooting a gun at it, or by electronics means which we all know the Government can do!! Someone will come knocking wanting the multi $K thing back and then you can start asking the questions.
Don't we have laws regarding large drones? And if that is the case, someone should start tracking them. They can hurt someone of the people controlling them don't even know basic safety rules.

Yes drones need to be registered now and use running lights if used at night time, and follow the rules regarding the space they are flying in.
On Reddit, discussions about recent drone sightings in the U.S. feature a mix of clear explanations, such as planes or helicopters mistaken for drones, alongside reports of genuinely odd drone behavior. Some of these drones allegedly operate without producing any sound and reportedly go "lights out" when approached by authorities in the air, suggesting deliberate and coordinated control, which adds an eerie element. Several posts mention that these drones have been tracked in flight, only to eventually disappear out of sight, raising doubts about them being typical hobbyist drones due to their ability to cover long distances and stay airborne for hours. If this is a prank, it’s an extraordinarily elaborate one, spanning multiple U.S. states (and reportedly the UK as well). Speculation has even gone into the realm of conspiracy theories, with some suggesting that these drones could be UFOs or UAPs employing "technology mimicry" to appear as human-made objects.

This has been going on for weeks, and it’s absolutely baffling that authorities still cannot fully identify the perpetrator. It highlights how vulnerable U.S. skies can be (and likely other parts of the world too). Since these objects remain unidentified, attempting to shoot them down would likely constitute a felony. If this is some kind of top-secret government project or testing, it’s hard to believe they would conduct such operations over clearly visible urban areas, exposing the activity to public scrutiny and raising widespread concern.
Just take one down, by dropping a net over it or even shooting a gun at it, or by electronics means which we all know the Government can do!! Someone will come knocking wanting the multi $K thing back and then you can start asking the questions.

If only it were that easy. This just in...

"Drones force closure of Stewart Airport"

Also from NewsNation:
NewsNation (Ross Coulthart): Inside the FBI there is near panic right now because they (really) have no answers at all as those are mostly UAPs, not drones. The reports are also Worldwide, not only from NJ

And this:
Federal officials said they sent the state the most sophisticated piece of detection equipment they have, which still could not detect the drones.
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Ah yes, you conspiracy nuts love this stuff. It's not a drone, it's Hunter Biden's laptop flying around carrying Hillary Clinton's e-mails and Barrack Obama's birth certificate.
Pretty sure Hunter Bidens laptop was real as was Hillarys email washing from what I understand.
I mean I don't care either way but are we now calling real things conspiracy because it fits our political bias?
Way I see it the people rejecting any possibility they don't like politically are just as bad if not worse than the people who believe Hillary was trafficking kids from a pizza restaurant.
Why would Iranian drones or alien aircraft for that matter have blinking lights? LOL
It’s worth noting this: – the drones over New Jersey were confirmed to be not from a foreign country, not from the US military, and not from an 'Iran mothership.'

As for the blinking lights – if these were alien aircraft, who's to say their purpose or technology would make sense to us? It’s like an ant trying to comprehend why humans build cities or highways. Our perspective is so primitive compared to what they might be that we can’t begin to grasp their intentions or methods. Maybe blinking lights are functional for them, or maybe they're just a byproduct of their tech. We can speculate forever.
Prep for the new virus they want to release that is airborne, once the time is right that is what they will use... wait... dam, I keep predicting these things and being right... covid - global syops to find out who the *****s are who will take an injection based on a lie, and then those who won't.... next
The government's inability to deal with this doesn't build confidence in their abilitiy to defend the nation from a foreign power.
Michelle Obama did not write a book in which Barack Obama talks about being born in Kenya. The confusion stems from a mistake made by Barack Obama's literary agency in 1991. The agency incorrectly listed Obama's birthplace as Kenya in a promotional booklet, but this was a fact-checking error and not something mentioned by Obama himself.

Barack Obama has consistently stated that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. This misinformation contributed to the so-called "birther" conspiracy theories, but it was never part of any book written by Michelle Obama or Barack Obama."
Its wild this still has to be explained.

America is doomed, we are cooked. Everyone has brain rot.
America doing america things, move along, happend before
FYI: this is what happend when your left foot dont know what your right arm is doing with the military budget

to be fair, if this is a military intiative, they wouldnt admit to it. And if it did pose a risk to the military bases, they wouldnt admit it or it would be showing a weakness.

Most of the videos and images I have seen are so laughably obvious planes that its fricking ridiculous how dumb some folks are.

There are some drones, yes. And guess what, most folks are just realizing they exist. This isnt new. The FAA had recently said you can fly drones at night which is resulting in an uptick in drones.

There is no mother ship off the coast launching them, thats absolutely insane. We have preventative measures for that.

And yes, they said they were down the street from my house so I went to the golf course and sat there for most of the night. They were planes, not drones. Not saying drones dont exist, saying folks are too stupid to know the difference.

Where there are actual drones, my guess is defense contractor or military that they wont admi to. Or just your normal average drone enthusiast flying at night now because he can since the FAA said he can and folks are just starting to look up at the sky and go what gives, despite them being there for quite some time.
Pretty sure Hunter Bidens laptop was real as was Hillarys email washing from what I understand.
I mean I don't care either way but are we now calling real things conspiracy because it fits our political bias?
Way I see it the people rejecting any possibility they don't like politically are just as bad if not worse than the people who believe Hillary was trafficking kids from a pizza restaurant.

the ukraine pay to play conspiracy related to Hunter, completely fake and fabricated. The birther certificate, completely fake and fabricated. As you mentioned, pizza gate.

And while Hillary acted completely irresponsibly, she didnt break any laws so the whole "lock her up" and campaigning to imprison her was a bit of a conspiracy and the actual definition of a witch hunt after how many investigations lead by the GOP (7?) not finding a single law she broke or criminal charge. And dont think for a minute if there was something for them to cling to, they wouldnt have. They were desperate to find something wrong with her that they wasted millions if not billion dollars to find nothing to charge her with. Love or hate her, its the sad outcome.

Lets also not forget there was no outrage for Trump and his family doing the exact same thing with unsecured email servers while they were in power and not one republican had a damn to give.

You can start to see why everyone thinks everything is a conspiracy theory when we are inundated with so much fake news and alternative facts pushed by government politicians.
I find it a bit interesting that this is happening shortly after T hired M. Maybe he's showing T new toys to spy on us?
the ukraine pay to play conspiracy related to Hunter, completely fake and fabricated.
NBC News: "From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery (Burisma)."

Hunter did no legal work for the firm and attended none of their board meetings in Ukraine. But after a Ukrainian prosecutor opened an investigation into Burisma, their founder Mykola Zlochevsky made a late-night phone call to Hunter. What was discussed? We'll never know. But within 72 hours, Joe Biden got personally involved for the first time ever in Ukraine, telling their President, "fire that prosecutor or you don't get a penny of the billion dollars. You have six hours."

Now please, repeat the false narrative that "all Europe" wanted that prosector fired. Or even better, that "three Republican Congressmen" wrote a letter asking for him to be fired. Both are fictitious.

And while Hillary acted completely irresponsibly, she didnt break any laws
Where does this nonsense come from? FBI Director Comey went on live TV and admitted she committed felonies, but claims he wouldn't prosecute because "she didn't mean to" commit them.
NBC News: "From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery (Burisma)."

Hunter did no legal work for the firm and attended none of their board meetings in Ukraine. But after a Ukrainian prosecutor opened an investigation into Burisma, their founder Mykola Zlochevsky made a late-night phone call to Hunter. What was discussed? We'll never know. But within 72 hours, Joe Biden got personally involved for the first time ever in Ukraine, telling their President, "fire that prosecutor or you don't get a penny of the billion dollars. You have six hours."

Now please, repeat the false narrative that "all Europe" wanted that prosector fired. Or even better, that "three Republican Congressmen" wrote a letter asking for him to be fired. Both are fictitious.

Where does this nonsense come from? FBI Director Comey went on live TV and admitted she committed felonies, but claims he wouldn't prosecute because "she didn't mean to" commit them.
Oops, you didnt read the news.

The whistleblower around Ukraine and the "big guy" and pay to play admitted he made up the whole thing and is now going to prison.

If Hillary had committed a crime, she would have been locked up. Its just another failed campaign promise from Trump. If it was illegal, all of Trump's family broke the law as well, lock them up.
Oops, you didnt read the news.

The whistleblower around Ukraine and the "big guy" and pay to play admitted he made up the whole thing and is now going to prison.'
Oops, you got played again by the media. The person in question wasn't "the whistleblower" -- there were a half-dozen FBI and IRS whistleblowers, three separate business associates of the Bidens , bank records, wire transfer receipts, and literally tens of thousands of Hunter and Joe's own emails and text messages discussing the payments. Oh, and Joe's own words on live camera: "fire that prosecutor or you don't get a penny of the billion dollars."

I ask you again. Hunter never attended a single board meeting or did a single speck of legal work for Burisma. Why was he paid several million dollars?

If Hillary had committed a crime, she would have been locked up.
Circular logic at its finest. But the facts are clear:

"“110 e-mails and 52 e-mail chains have been determined to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information,” Comey said.

She illegally kept classified material in a non-secure location -- a publicly accessible Internet server! -- and also illegally emailed it to multiple people who lacked security clearances.

The FBI also determined that at least one hostile foreign power likely gained access to Hillary's private email server -- the server she wiped of evidence after the FBI subpoenaed it. But Comey said he wouldn't charge her because she was just "extremely careless". Unfortunately, carelessness is a crime in this case:

18 U.S.C Section 793

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer, Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
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