Don't charge more, trim the unnecessary fat.
Look at what something like COD spends on advertising. You're already a massive franchise, being splattered over every billboard and busstop doesn't do much. Bet the majority of your target demographic doesn't even watch TV so why advertise there?
Someone mentioned sweet baby Inc before, imagine spending money on that. A consultancy firm that you have to pay to make your game actively worse by force inserting a narrative. Then it results in more work for the people actually doing useful work and they have to spend their time listening to some speech or sitting through some presentation. Colossal waste of resources.
Games used to made by a bunch of passionate neckbeards in a basement and it resulted in some real gems. Now you have a research team analysing what would be the most profitable, then you try to have it developed by a bunch of people without passion for the industry that live in expensive areas. Not to mention they're under far to many layers of management.
Just go back to passionate people doing games they want to make themselves. Baldurs Gate 3 has proved that can still be done very successfully. Don't all try to be the next Fortnite money printer, there is only room for a few of those.
Oh, and allow for remote work. It lets you recruit people that work for a lot less and you don't have to pay for the expensive office building. Good for diversity as well, you can recruit from anywhere there's passionate people that want to work on your game.
Like government these companies have become bloated pigs. Ever watch the end credits on a COD game or other big title game? There's like 10000 people and a hundred sub-studios listed.