"Everything I say leaks," complains Mark Zuckerberg in a memo that was leaked


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Facepalm: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg complained about company leaks during an all-hands meeting, only for the audio to leak online almost immediately. Sensing the irony, Meta's security chief issued a stern memo, warning that leakers would be fired. And in a twist that feels straight out of a sitcom, that memo leaked too.

The saga kicked off during Mark Zuckerberg's all-hands meeting with Meta employees on Thursday, where he vented about recent leaks exposing his private remarks to staff.

In an attempt to tighten control, HR made some changes. Questions that could be problematic if leaked were skipped, employees could no longer see ranked questions, and the comment section was disabled during the live stream.

Zuckerberg addressed these changes directly: "We try to be really open and then everything I say leaks. It sucks." He added that he would now be less transparent due to the leaks.

Ironically, those comments leaked almost immediately.

Enter Chief Information Security Officer Guy Rosen, who wasted no time issuing a stern warning. Less than an hour later, he declared that leakers would be "terminated" if identified, noting that some employees had already been fired for "exfiltrating sensitive documents."

In a memo obtained by The Verge, Rosen argued that leaks do more than compromise security – they demoralize teams and waste valuable time that should be spent advancing Meta's products, goals, and mission.

You can probably guess what happened next. Yes, this tough-talking memo leaked almost immediately.

The surge in leaks appears tied to Zuckerberg's growing ties with Donald Trump in recent months. In December, Meta donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration fund, a stark reversal from its previously nonpartisan stance over the past decade.

This is the same company that banned Trump in 2021 after he allegedly incited the Capitol riot. Yet, by October 2024, Trump described his relationship with Zuckerberg as "much better."

So, will Meta ever fix its leaky faucet? At this rate, we'll probably just have to wait for the next leak to find out.

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Well if he wouldn't flip-flop his political alliances on a whim perhaps people would have a bit of respect for him and his company.

But once again his company was born out of betrayal, so nothing good we can expect of him.

If you believe the "good" book the human race was born out of betrayal - should I be worried ? :)
You would think that over thousands of years the human race would know better than stabbing others in the back....especially for pure gain.
Why would anyone think that? On the contrary, humans have learned that stabbing people in the back often leads to fame and success...

Despite these "problems", Zuckerberg is worth more than everyone on this site multiplied by 1000... or more... I'm thinking I should probably start stabbing some backs...
Why would anyone think that? On the contrary, humans have learned that stabbing people in the back often leads to fame and success...

Despite these "problems", Zuckerberg is worth more than everyone on this site multiplied by 1000... or more... I'm thinking I should probably start stabbing some backs...
Well...it's simple...you just have to start screwing everyone be that think that can trust you, it will ultimately make you "famous" for it.
In my opinion, if what you are doing is right, then why worry about the leaks? There is also less reason why employees will bother to leak what is good.
Zuckie's, under the mistaken impression that the people around him, like him. They're just like him, sociopaths only in it for the money.

Life sucks, and then when people find out what you're really like, it gets leaked. Price of fame "bro". Quick, somebody punch out his "tough sh!t card".

I wonder how his new "toxic masculinity" is working out for him? But, I suppose there's no real need to wonder, it's likely we'll all know by tomorrow.

Gosh, I hope his AI doesn't get wind of this post. Ah, what are the chances of that? Slim to none, right? :rolleyes:
Time to clean house just like Trump is doing. It's the only way
I would argue with this, but what would be the point? It would be like banging my head against a brick wall. But then again, it would feel good when I stopped. Then too, you've already declared how "stupid I am", so I couldn't benefit from any of the wisdim you might impart.

Someday, you'll have to teach me how suss out implied meanings, and deal with subtext. Jeez, I even misspelled "wisdom". Give me time, I'm trying. It's hard to teach an old dog new hicks.
In a memo obtained by The Verge, Rosen argued that leaks do more than compromise security – they demoralize teams and waste valuable time that should be spent advancing Meta's products, goals, and mission.
Yeah, I can see his point. It might interfere with Zuckerberg catching up with Musk in the "net worth" department. That certainly was an acute and important observation on his part. At first glance, a more cynical person than myself might call it unmitigated and shameless, "brown nosing". But I, (almost), know better. ;)
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Despite these "problems", Zuckerberg is worth more than everyone on this site multiplied by 1000... or more... I'm thinking I should probably start stabbing some backs..
Well, it's like they say, "those that don't, teach".

Who knows, maybe you can raise just some ordinary little urchin up to be the next Brutus. Then, when they're worth a couple of hundred billion or so, while being interviewed for Forbes, they'll say, "I owe it all to my xx grade teacher, Mr. Surprise, who provided the inspiration for me moving forward".

You'll rightfully be overwhelmed with pride. Maybe even feel a tingle in your heart, perhaps between the 6th and 7th ribs.