Tech Culture

Tech Culture

The technology revolution is everywhere and it's manifesting in more ways than we can imagine. The intersection of technology and society, from art to communication.

michigan education bill computer science

Michigan new law mandates Computer Science classes in high schools

Code literacy requirement aims to equip students for future jobs
Forward-looking: Michigan has passed a new law requiring all public high schools to offer at least one computer science course starting in 2027, a way of boosting tech skills and preparing the future workforce. It essentially guarantees all students in the state will soon have access to at least some computer science education before graduating.
super bowl microsoft excel world championship esports excel spreadsheet with video

A Super Bowl for nerds: The Microsoft Excel World Championship crowns its winner

It was full of guys from finance
WTF?! What kind of world championship hands out pro wrestling-style belts to its winners? You'd expect it at events like WWE matches, MMA bouts, or maybe high-stakes college football games. But a "competitive spreadsheet" event seems an unlikely setting for such an over-the-top display. Yet that's precisely what took place at the Microsoft Excel World Championship in Las Vegas. Held in an arena typically reserved for Fortnite and League of Legends tournaments, this unique event treated its participants like celebrated athletes.
doom id software john carmack

John Carmack developed Doom's engine during a 28-hour coding marathon

How one grueling coding marathon changed gaming and tech forever
A true gaming pioneer Doom is one of the most successful and influential video games ever created, and John Carmack was the lead programmer behind this groundbreaking project. Carmack went above and beyond to bring Doom to life, finalizing its code during a grueling coding marathon that few could endure.
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